Thursday, November 18, 2010

Red Gel

Not a big post today.My brother is in town visiting. So I took advantage of it. I wanted to use my gels and see if I could create a different look. Basically trying to see where I could put the flash w/gel to get more creativity. Its really limitless. And I only tried a couple of angles. None of which I was found of. Still going back over "Light Science & Magic" as a reference for my lighting techniques. So with that, going online and looking at other photographers' techniques, I'm sure I'll get some more creative ideas. When all else fails, grab the Dr. Seus hat and put the gel right behind the subject @ 1/2 power to completely gel the white seemless. Muuuuwwwwah! Instant cat in the hat on red background!

1 comment:

CkImaginePhotography said...

Thank you Jonas! I appreciate the comments!