Sunday, November 21, 2010

Out of Ideas? Just play!

I usually dont have a lot of time to spend photographing just anything, so I try and make a point to have something in mind before I take my camera out of the bag. Disciplined? Well, maybe not. Today I just wanted to photograph something. I knew I didn't have a lot of time and I'd probably end up taking more pictures of myself(which I did). But I wanted to be creative! And I wanted it to happen RIGHT NOW! When I get like this, I dont like to sit and think about what to do, I like to jump in and start shooting! Whatever comes to mind. So thats what I did. You can set yourself up for failure if you dont prepare yourself ahead of time by allowing yourself "time to play". Just try things you normally wouldnt. Just out of curiosity and "I wonder what it would look like" kinda thing. Its how you had fun as a kid. The thing to remember is, its not the result, its the 'playing', that is the key. Learn to PLAY. Thats where ideas come from. And dont worry about if you got any good pictures while you were playing. Heck, you were playing! You had fun! That was the whole point!

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