Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Light Science & Magic: Take One ACTION!!

I just finished reading "Light Science & Magic". It is jam packed full of 'light' knowledge. If you ever thought you needed a book on lighting but weren't sure which one to choose, let me suggest this one. From beginning to end, its all about your light. How light behaves and what to do about it. Light management. And its not a book you read once and put down and go "ya, ok, I got it." Its a reference book to go back and re-read when you get stuck or need an idea about how to light something shiny or reflective. Light still confuses me, but now I have a path to go down. It makes more sense. Instead of using a bunch of lights to light a subject, I first ask "how do I want to light it? What effect am I trying for? Where do I want the highlights/shadows to fall?" Then you go about working out where to put the lights and then the camera. Its a strategy to manage light.
Well, aside from working on my lighting skills, I have decided on taking a 30 day challenge (instead of the 365 day challenge) with my friend, Linda. We started November 1st and I have two submissions. The glass bottle, jar, whatever is also my first attempt at lighting glass after reading "Light Science & Magic". The other picture is of some doogus wearing a Dr.Seus hat playing a casio. Ya, he's got a couch with his name on it waiting for him in the first therapist office he comes to. The good thing about the 30 day, instead of the 365 day challenge is I can include my photo friends from Florida and we can share our photos. It also helps you build up to the 365 challenge. Shooting every day helps you in so many ways (that I've read from others who've done it)that I can't believe I haven't tried it sooner.
Ok, dare I blab some more? No. Enjoy the pics, I enjoyed taking them!!

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