Friday, November 26, 2010

Do you wait for people to comment on your Flickr photos?

What makes a photo interesting? The subject? The lighting? The composition? Well, if it inspires you, photograph it. Shoot what you love. Post it! And if nobody looks at it(flickr shows you how many 'views' you have), so what? Get your stuff out there! I'm constantly trying to keep myself positively charged. Today I was watching Chase Jarvis on youtube and it inspired yet again, to keep moving forward. Look at everything, and then look at it again! Never stop feeding your creativity!

Usually I get an impulse and it always leads to discovery. I see a photo or think of a cool lighting idea. The more you expose yourself to different ideas, and different photographers, the more versatile your thinking becomes, IMO.
So flowers and a radio? Whats so cool about that? Because any one of those shots could be an amazing photo! And then it could spawn a great idea and that could lead to ...who knows where? Ideas are possibilities and if you want something bad enough and work toward it and think about it all the time, pretty soon, I believe, opportunities appear seemingly out of nowhere. Ideas =Possibilities=Opportunities=LIVING YOUR DREAMS? Sure, why not!

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